The Coloradio 14er Operating Event is getting close! August 10th is when dozens of intrepid ham radio climbers will summit one of the 54 peaks over 14,000' to activate the peak with radios to talk with other HF, VHF, and UHF stations. The Old Goats QRPxpedition team of Steve/N0TU and Guy/N7UN plan to top Uncompaghre Mtn with an assortment of radios and antennas (Rigs: FT817, K2, and 2m HTs; Antennas: 40-15m dipoles, Buddipole, 6m 3el spider beam and 2m/70cm 5el-beam). A great route description is at: http://tinyurl.com/6cpuwh and a recent Trip Report (with pictures) is at: http://tinyurl.com/6p3k4x
Our team goal is to summit about 6 am (requiring a 3 am camp departure!) and set up antennas with an on-air start around 7 am, using the HF Pack frequencies. All of this is, of course, weather dependant which will be our major risk element for this trip. Thunderstorms typically pop up around noon. And of course, our sherpas will be the infamous Peanut and Rooster, Steve's pack goats (see http://n0tu.blogspot.com/ ).
Another major goal will be to make contact with Brian/N6IZ who will be on the summit of Mt. Whitney in California. As far as we know, no out-of-state, 14er-to-14er radio contacts have been made during this operating event. You can see Brian's plan at: http://www.brianboschma.com/whitney_initial.py . So please look for us that Sunday morning, Aug 10th. We fully expect some great stories to emerge from the QRPxpedition!
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