Thursday, June 17, 2010

News Release July, 2010:

The Old Goats DXpedition team (wG0AT, N7UN, AC7MA and including Rooster and Peanut!) are planning our 3rd Colo 14er "special event" activation of Mt Huron (14,003'), a Colorado 14er this August 8th, 2010 using our 2009 callsign of N0B. After setting a "first" for a QRP HF out-of-state, 14er-to-14er qso in 2008 (Mt. Whitney, CA to Uncompaghre, CO), this time we hope to make a 3-way, summit QSOs between two California peaks and Huron Peak in Colorado.. The Colorado team will hike into a high base camp on Friday and setup QRP antennas for Friday and Saturday radio fun. Then at 4 am, Sunday, we will start the summit climb with a goal of an 8 am summit activation using special event callsign N0B. At the same time, several operators (Brian/N6IZ) will be climbing Mt. Shasta and several others are looking at Mt. Whitney or Mt. Langley in California. This will be a SOTA Activation (W0/SR-010 4268m). Anybody that might be interested in participating even if its basecamp activities in support of the climbing teams, please contact Guy/N7UN. SOTA info at  Hope to work you!  See the w/G0AT "recon" video of Mt. Huron at
We will spot N0B (frequency and mode) at  Also track our climb progress at .